For Juliet
Written last 2019.
Her name is music to your ears. The moment her name is uttered, poetry is being composed out of thin air. Monuments and artworks have been displayed and created each time her name is whispered into someone’s ears. She is as feminine as a pink rose, she is as compassionate as a mother is to her child. But do not mistake her as weak and fragile. Her name will taste sweet in your lips. And the sound of her voice will give you the hope of the love that is in store for you. When you see Juliet, hold her in an embrace, and not just in a mundane embrace. Hold her as if the thought of losing her will give you fear. Make her smile as her innocence will make you love her more. Trust me, if you do all of these things right, the romantic attraction you have with her will bloom. She will not make this easy. She will play with you, but she will seek to understand you. She will see your thoughts, but she will wait for you to speak your thoughts in deafening silence. She is no ordinary Juliet. She will not die for you just as she had once died for Romeo. She has learned and will continue to learn from her mistakes. Do not be mistaken. Juliet might wear a pink dress, but you have to be careful to see what’s underneath her skin.