How Families are Born
There was the promise to take care of each other, no matter what happens.
Written last 2019
ome families are made with blood.
The moment Anna felt the kick in her tummy, the second she found out she was with child, she knew that she would love him, or maybe her, forever. It wouldn’t matter what the baby looked like. Brown or blue eyes, narrow or wide nose, black or white skin, it wouldn’t matter. The only thing Anna knew is that she would cherish the baby forever. And she did. She kept that promise as she held her child for the first time in her arms a few months later, and she continued to keep it as they continue to dine every night during dinner. Anna continued to make that promise true as they talk about the latest gossip and fight over the pettiest things. And she continued it with every kiss on the forehead, and an “I love you, goodnight, see you tomorrow,” being whispered in the child’s ear as she tucks him to sleep. Some families are formed with blood. And with the blood that was formed, there was the promise to take care of each other, no matter what happens.
Some families are created with temporary memories and fleeting moments.
Winnie sits around with her friends around the campfire. She smiles as she savors the memories being made that one special night. Her friends make a joke and the constant burst of laughter makes her heart light with joy. Burnt marshmallows are being passed down to each other, and confessions and silly dares were created that night. As the stars twinkled brightly above them, and as the sea crashes the shore in the most gentle manner, as if careful he might be destroying the moment, Winnie continues to take in what might be the best memory of her high school friends. It was one she wouldn’t forget. As the fire continues to die down, so does their laughter, replacing it with somber conversations and realizations as to what the future has in store for them. College. A family. Will they still be friends long after this day has gone? Will they remain as a family?
Some families are formed with survival in their veins.
Jabez looked for them frantically. His eyes search for the people who were supposed to pick him up. He knelt to the ground, curved and formed himself into a ball, and kept quiet. He covered his ears with both hands, as if the muffled screams would be enough to stop his thoughts running frantically over his head. He waited for the shouts to go down, down until he couldn’t hear anymore. A hand holds his shoulder, he looks up and sees his friends. They gave him a hand to help him stand up. His knees have been shaking from being in a curled position for so long, but they soon regained their strength. He looks at his friends, all from the same twisted story, all with monsters dancing in their heads. And together, they fight the demons.
Some families are made with blood.
Some families are created with temporary memories and fleeting moments.
While some families are formed with survival in their veins.