Written last 2019
I have been in the teaching profession for two, or rather, one and a half years, now. When I first started to teach, it was mainly because of two things: the calling that God has given me and the love I have for children. But after teaching for two years, this is no longer the primary reason why I chose to stay. They still are, but now, there are much bigger and important reasons as to why I chose to stay.
I choose to stay because I desperately want to see my students grow and have a relationship with God. I choose to stay because I still believe that God wants me to reach out to all of my students, and yes, even those that are“unloveable.”I choose to stay because I have seen how my students have asked questions about God — one student asked me who the true God was in the story of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, and another student asked me the difference of what the Muslims, Christians, and Jews believe. There was also a follow-up question of the difference between Christians and Catholics. — I want them to know that there is only one way to go to heaven, and that is not through Nirvana or reincarnation, or doing good deeds — My student asked me about reincarnation and heaven during our Geography lesson in Japan.
I want my students to know that at the end of the day, it’s not about good deeds, or how smart, or how creative, or how pretty they are. It’s about having a relationship with God.