Living in an Answered Prayer
This is me, writing in a coffee shop, with the cool breeze in my air. Here I am, reapplying sunscreen on my face for the -nth time, listening to a country song I’ve never heard before, and one glimpse to the right — the gorgeous mountain with the pride of New Zealand’s South Island, the Remarkables.
I guess, you can say, life, no, God has been really good to me lately.
Three months ago, I ran my first ultramarathon with the rain pouring down, heavily — with a fresh broken heart.
Two months prior, I submitted my manuscript to have my poetry book published — a genre I never even considered writing in the first place.
A month ago, I was on an eight-hour flight, having a layover and worried sick about my luggage and having multiple flights.
But here I am now.
In that span of a month, I got myself my very own bedroom, a privilege so simple yet I never really got to experience in my home country, and I got to try all sorts of cuisines, buying every healthy dish my stomach could crave for. I got to teach young kids again, and learn a whole new culture and way of teaching.
Within these four weeks, I met new friends who I can call my “sisters in Christ,” I have someone who deeply cares for me, and isn’t afraid to wait for me and to chase God for me. And God showing me time and time again, this wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for Him.
In those thirty days, I witnessed the Aurora lights, something I never thought I would have experienced in this lifetime. I was able to walk in a place where catcalling was non-existent, and I was running at the trails after a long day at work.
So, this piece of writing won’t have any impactful message. This article won’t have any lesson or impounding point to prove. What this is, is a simple note of thankfulness, of gratitude, for the month that has passed by.
Because who would have known I will be spending my day at a coffee shop after work, with the sun still very much bright with midnight approaching, having done Pilates and a day teaching kids?
Who would have known my relationship with God would be so much closer than I could have expected just because of a breakup? Who would have known that because of that breakup, I got to write and publish my very own book?
Who would have known that a dream I unconsciously set aside — to have days living near the mountains, with the perfect mix of adventure and slow days with me? To be a teacher, a writer, a runner, a Christian, to have the best of all world, and actually thrive?
I never would have thought. But I guess, that’s how good God has been to me.
Because all the dreams I put aside — seeing the Aurora lights, working abroad, having my book published, living near the mountains — actually came true.
I guess it just goes to show that God hears the deepest desires of my heart, and answers them in the way He know He could: by showing them first that I couldn’t, but He can.
And He has. Still is.