Once More
Written last 2019.
My heart has grown hard
Hard once more
I plead to the Lord one more time,
“Break my heart for me to hear You once more”
And each time You do
It is more than I can carry
I plead with you once more,
“Take away this suffering
Take away this bondage
Take away this sin”
And yet, You have not answered my cry
And You say in Your word
That Your grace is sufficient
That Your strength will be shown in my weakness
But Lord, hear me once more,
“This weakness is a thorn
A thorn I cannot get rid of”
I uphold a cry once more,
“Take this away from me”
And each time You do
I rejoice
The suffering is gone
The bondage is lifted
The sin is no more
But once more o Lord
I find myself falling
Not into Your arms
But to the ones I longed for escape to
And once more, o Lord
I make this plea
Once more, o Lord
I ask of this question
“Why is my heart prone to wonder?
Why is my heart prone to leave the God I love?”
I cry out once more, o Lord
“Take this heart, Lord
Take and seal it.”
I ask of this once more o Lord
And may I never ask again.
For I know this to be true
That You are a God of purpose
That You are my Abba, Father
And once more, o Lord
In my sin, I will repent
Until I will sin no more
And once more o Lord,
In my suffering, I will rejoice
Until I have suffered no more
And once more o Lord,
In my bondage, I will renounce
Until this bondage is no more.
And once more, o Lord
May my weakness be seen
And may my thorn be shown
And if it is the only means to seek Your face
And if it is the only way to show Your glory.
Then I plead to you once more, o Lord
To break my heart
To fall into Your arms
To take my heart
And to take and seal it.
And until I have seen You face to face
And until my heart has learned
Not to wander
And until I have longed not to leave the God I love
And until the suffering has truly ceased
And until the sin has truly been no more
And until the bondage has truly been broken
May my whole being, cry out
Once more, o Lord.