“Teacher, Who is the True God?”
Written last October 2019
“So teacher, who are the enemies?” I sigh in exasperation as my student goes near me and asks me a question. We had been talking about a bible story, one that shows the true God and the false gods. We explained that they are like the good guys and the bad guys, like in a typical story.
“The false gods. Remember?” I answer kindly. “They were the statues but they couldn’t move or see or even hear anything!”
“So the good person is the true God?”
“Yes!” I exclaim. I was glad she was understanding that the true God, our God, always wins.
“But, who is the true God?”
This question stopped me in my tracks.
How can I explain who the true God is? We cannot explain who He is in a simple story. It took sixty-six whole books compressed into one to even have a glimpse of who the true God is.
I struggle with my thoughts as I ponder what possible answer I could give to my student.
Who is the true God?
I know the true God is someone who created the universe. People have been debating over whether there is even a higher being or not. But how can there not be a higher being? Make the sun a little too big and the whole solar system would be sucked into its madness. Move the earth a few centimeters closer to the sun and the earth would turn into a planet filled fiery furnace. But move the planet a few centimeters away from its original place, the earth would turn into a desert waste, filled with cold and ice and snow, and no human would be able to even live there. I don’t believe that all of this is only a coincidence. There has to be a higher being to be able to create all of that. That cannot be all mere chance. I refuse to believe all of that is made of pure luck.
I also know the true God is someone who does not change. Can you imagine how scary it would be if the true God decides to change? How can we trust anything if the true God changes? The world is already changing so fast. What once was said as wrong is now what people think is right. What once was thought to be right is what people are declaring to be wrong. How fast does everything change? I’m glad and I feel safe the true God never changes.
I also know the true God is forever. That doesn’t just mean he doesn’t have an ending, but it also means he doesn’t have a beginning! Wow, can you imagine someone that has been there before the universe was even made? That is our true God. And can you imagine someone who is still there long after we have died? You know, dying might be scary, because we don’t know what’s going happen next But one thing I feel safe about, is even when I die, there is still a next life. And I know that because I have God with me. And whether I live or die tomorrow, He will be there.
What else do I know about the true God? Well, I know the true God is super powerful. He is even more powerful than our favorite superheroes! Yes, kids, even Captain America and Superman are no match for the true God. How do I know that? Well, think about it! I don’t think Captain America would be able to create the universe all by Himself just by saying the words out loud. But you know who can do it? Our true God! And Superman won’t exist forever, he was born and he died. But you know who lives forever, before and even after Superman? That’s right, our true God! The true God created the universe, and he created you and me. He created each one of us differently, and he listens to all of our prayers. But at the same time, he is also controlling the universe and what happens in the lives of all of the 8 billion people in the world. It seems like a lot, doesn’t it? But for the true God, it’s not hard, he can even do it with his eyes closed! He is in control of everything because he is THAT powerful.
One more thing about the true God is he knows everything! He knows how many hairs I have in my head. He knows how many breaths I take in a day, He knows how many times my heart beats in a year! But more than that, He also knows all of my problems, even when sometimes I don’t want to tell Him yet. He knows all of the things I did wrong, even if I’m scared to talk to Him because of that. He knows what happened to me throughout the day, even when sometimes I’m too tired to tell him. I’m happy God knows everything because that means even when I don’t know everything, I have someone who does!
But you know what my most favorite thing is about the true God? It’s that He loves me! He loves me enough that He sent down His son to die for me. And you know what, He died for you too! God loves me so much He wrote me a love letter that is 66 books long, has more than 30 thousand verses (that’s sooooooo long!) And all of that is just a way for me to get to know who He is. Do you want to know how I know the true God loves me? Because He created me. He never left me even when I’m doing things that can hurt Him. He loves me enough to die for me. He loves me so much that He sent a guide, the Holy Spirit, to help me in times when I need it.
There is still so much I want to tell you about the true God. But that is all I can tell you for now. But I guess if there’s one thing I want you to remember with everything that I have told you, it is this: I know my God is the true God because God is the most powerful, and the wisest of all. He is everywhere and knows everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen. And even if it seems like he is so powerful we’d be afraid to talk to Him, He sent His son here so that we can be with Him. He loves us so so so so much! And he proved all of these things, that he was the true God when He died and rose again three days later. I think that only happened to one God, and I think, no, I know for sure, that that is the true God. And I can trust Him and follow Him, because He is real, and He has proven Himself real. And you can trust and follow Him too.