Thank you for the waiting season.
To 2022,
Thank you for the heartbreaks. Thank you for the tears that led me to greater plot twists and to days filled with laughter. Thank you for the late-night thoughts that made me wonder if there is something greater for me waiting in life, and there was.
Thank you for the adventures. Thank you for the ticks off the bucket list. Thank you for waking me up and giving me hope to reach beyond what the stars have in line for me. Thank you for the summits reached as I climbed the highest mountains my body could endure. Thank you for making me jump and take the plunge to the deepest depths my body can endure.
Thank you for the core memories. Thank you for the “sneaking out through the window” moments and “don’t tell my strict parent” evenings — even in my 20s. Thank you for the thrill of getting caught and struggling not to get drunk when trying to book a ride home. Thank you for the Sunday brunches and the cocktail dinners. Thank you for the museum third wheels and the lunches alone in the cafe.
Thank you for the rest. Thank you for the lazy mornings of staying in bed. Thank you for the beaches and mountains in the months when I needed to breathe the most. Thank you for the weekend adventures and the solo dates in coffee shops. Thank you for the songs I kept as I fall asleep in my dreamless slumber.
Thank you for the mundane moments. Thank you for the urge of waking up and folding my bed. Thank you for the discipline of keeping my body healthy and in shape. Thank you for the online classes and the toddlers giving me joy in the ordinary days. Thank you for the reenacting moments of Phoebe teaching Joey French in the same way I teach my tutee bigger words.
Thank you for the waiting season. Thank you for letting me rest, and letting me thrive.
Thank you, 2022.