To the Next Generation Christian
Dear Christian,
I am sorry.
I am sorry if you have not seen us the way Christ has commanded us to be seen.
I am sorry if we have demanded that you choose either pure condemnation or pure love when there should have been a balance of both. We are not commanded to condemn and leave a sinful person drowning in shame, nor were we given the task to love those in a way we would let them enjoy their sin and leave them in a state of eternal damnation. Dear Christian, we must learn the balance of both. We should love them enough to point them their wrongdoings, but at the end of the day, also point them to Christ.
Dear Christian, I am sorry if we have taught you that Christianity is all about feeling good and being happy when it is not nor has it ever been that way. Christianity is not about happiness in this world. The word of God has told us that in this world people will bring us down, and they will. Christianity is not about happiness. It should be about being holy and pleasing God, even if it makes us suffer. Our happiness and joy might not be in this world, but I can, or rather, God can guarantee you pure joy and happiness in the next world.
Dear Christian, I am sorry if we have shown you that Christianity is felt and not shown in our lives. Christianity is not just a feel-good melody that we sing. Christianity is not an encouraging mantra that we recite in each challenge we face. Christianity is not a trendy shirt that we simply wear when we feel like it. Christianity is in every move that we make. It is in every word that we speak. Christianity should be in every breath we take for the glory of God.
Dear Christian, I am sorry if we have said that it is okay if Christianity is separated from science and politics and art when Christianity should be boldly proclaimed in everyday lives. Christianity should not be separated from other aspects of the society, but encourage it to be intertwined, to be seen and revealed as secrets dripping in each wall. Reflect Christ in morality, in art, in politics, in everything.
Dear Christian, I am sorry if the stigma of mental illness has stayed in the church when the world has slowly been moving away from it. Dear, you are still valid despite your mental illness. No matter what your brain might reveal to you, please know that you are a child of God. And that reason is enough to give you purpose in this life. The church, or we, might try to tell you to simply pray more, or scold you for lacking faith, but Christian, please know we are trying. We want to be educated. We want to help you. Your mental illness does not make you any less of a child of God. Please know that.
Dear Christian, I am sorry if we have told you that it is okay to attend church and only that. Christianity is not about attending a building once a week. We are the church! Christianity is not where we are on Sunday mornings. Christianity is best shown when people see Christ when we are outside of the church. You cannot say you are a Christian and act as if you are not. Everyone can act like a Christian when they’re in church. But how you live outside of your Sunday mornings, is how people will look at Christianity.
Dear Christian, I am sorry if we have not taught you the importance of reading the Bible. It is the most important book that you can get your hands on! It is the most crucial book you will ever read. Read it not as a relaxing book. Read it not as a manual you just plan to skip if you’re familiar with it. Read the Bible with seriousness! The bible is a double-edged sword and used for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness. Use it! Read it. Meditate on it. And cling on it as if your life depends on it. Because of the way you will live does.
Dear Christian, I am sorry if we told you to only pray during times of need. Dear, do not pray only when you need to. Pray it because you need God in every season of your life! Pray in the most zealous of manners, as if the very thought of not praying will make your heart stop beating. Do you know that each heartbeat is only given to you because the Lord permitted it to beat? Pray. Pray. Pray. Do not stop.
Dearest Christian, I am sorry if we have not been the best of examples. I am sorry if our generation has failed you. But that is the point. We never wanted you to look at us anyway. We want you to look at Christ. Look to Him and Him alone. Follow our good points and avoid our mistakes. But at the end of the day. Remember to always look at Christ. Read His word. Pray as if your life depends on it. And breathe Christianity. You are it. Being a Christian is your identity in this world. Be proud of it.