We are the Generation that Doesn’t Forget
We are the generation that is not afraid to speak up, even if it gets us killed.
Written last April 2020
We are the generation that doesn’t forget.
We are the generation that keeps the receipts while the others drink the tea.
We are the generation that refuses to settle and let history repeat itself.
We are the generation that remembers the names of the people we have lost.
We remember Kian Delos Santos,
Murdered by the police in the Philippines,
And we stand against extrajudicial killings.
We remember Winston Ragos,
Shot twice for being outside while diagnosed with PTSD
And we stand against unjust murders and for education for special needs.
We remember the six jeepney drivers, arrested for their voice.
While the men celebrate with birthday parties and violated quarantine protocols.
And we scream against selective justice and jeepney phase-out.
We remember the eight people imprisoned in a peaceful protest,
While the officials cheer in celebration,
And we cry against hypocrisy and for the freedom of speech.
We remember the twenty people arrested for a peaceful march,
While the police continue to break the rules they enforce,
And we rise against the inequality of the implementation of the law.
We remember the 11,000 employees of ABS-CBN,
Forced to close in the middle of a pandemic
And we fight against leaders who stand apathetic and incompetent.
We are the generation that memorizes the names of the people demanded to be punished.
We remember Ferdinand Marcos,
A dictator who killed millions of lives,
An inhuman human who trampled the rights of others,
Being buried in the LNMB,
And we call against his villainous intentions for this country.
We remember the trillions of pesos the government owes,
No plans, no clarity, no budget
And we call against this leaders’ corruption and for transparency.
We are the generation that grew up alongside Aang, the Last Airbender,
Who showed us to fight for injustice,
Who showed us how history can be altered by the oppressor,
Who showed us the sexism that exists,
Who showed us how the government hides its dirty secrets,
Who showed us how our rights can be trampled,
Who showed us to fight for what is right,
Even when it ends us up in jail,
Even when it ends with us being defeated,
Even when the stakes are high,
Especially when the stakes are high.
We are the generation raised up by The Hunger Games,
Who taught us the tipping point is the spark that caught the trees,
Who taught us beauty and drama is what the privileged care about,
Who taught us privilege is a blessing and a curse,
Who taught us revolutions have high costs,
Who taught us speaking up can get us killed,
Who taught us to speak up and fight anyway.
We are the generation raised up by Marvel Heroes,
Who showed us that only the worthy can hold the position,
Who showed us how easy it is for the villains to win,
Who showed us we have to keep fighting, even when we have lost,
Who showed us how bittersweet the victory always is,
Who showed us the death of the people will not be in vain,
If only we fight.
We are the generation that is not afraid to speak up, even if it gets us killed.
So? You think you can kill us? You think you can arrest us?
You need to defeat an entire generation to silence us.
And that is something we will never do.